Saturday, April 4, 2009

The trouble with truth,

Is it true that there is only one truth in the world? The Jews think they have got it right, and the rest of us will learn in time. On the other hand, if the Buddhist have anything to say in it, we won't really remember because we'll just be born again as someone else. However if Catholicism is the really truth, maybe we will all end up just burning in hell. Perhaps the Protestants should be right, after all they say as long as you love Jesus, you can't be bad at all. 
But if that were the real truth, then how do they explain the horrible things done in the name of God and Jesus? Or how can any religious faction justify any heinous action in the name of God. They all profess that God is about love...Love of ALL, not just one. The ten commandments all seem to stem from that love, and yet Moses also has to "talk God down" from just destroying all the Israelites as they worship the golden calf.
So what is true? Is God love? If that's true than I have to ask, "where is the love?"

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