Thursday, January 15, 2009

My new theory

God did not give us rules, he gave us love and salvation. And if we believe, we will live right because we have that love in us. Our knowledge makes secure our love and desire for "living right" if we believe, we will not be following rules, we will be living out of love and living with God. We shouldn't look for rules and principles, just a relationship with God. Rules and standards mean consequences and punishment if they are not obeyed. How is that a loving Father? "Do this or else" perhaps he wants us to live with his guiding light inside of us, the way Jesus, the Father and the Spirit are one, and in doing that we are already living the way we should, without rules, but with the true unadulterated love of God.
There is no mercy or grace in rules, not even for one mistake. That is why we are so blessed to have Jesus. He fulfilled all of that for us so that rules no longer have jurisdiction over us. And the laws that once demanded the impossible "thou shalt not" actually became a promise God fulfills in us.
If we live our life alone and independently the promise is empty. Jesus laid the demand of the law to rest. It no longer has the power to accuse or command. Jesus is the promise and the fulfillment. And he is our freedom, because of him, there is no law. Only God's love for us made plain. Then we live in his law and with his law. Once his love is written on our hearts the rules no longer apply.
How do we find this love? How do we know we are there? We probably won't be, scratch that we definitely won't make it there in this life. Jesus was the only one who lived with God always on this earth. (how the trinity is one God) Yet we can aspire to that. And pray for that in our lives.
The words may not click now, you may agree, but not be able to impliment a change. If you keep searching and trying though, someday you will be able to fully comprehend, and then, only then, can you really begin to change your life. That is the beginning.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Living a religon

The truth of the matter is, if you haven't found a religon that challenges you, forces you to make changes or makes you think twice before you make a decision, maybe you actually haven't found the right religon?
We are, none of us, perfect. Our goal in this life should be to strive toward that. We may never reach that, will never reach that, but it is our duty to work toward perfection.
Jesus said "Do as I do" and so we must.
For those who say "nature is my religon" I agree, it should be, but that should not be the end of your studies. Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness. He cleansed his life, opened himself to the beauty God created and communed with him on the most basic and real level. Yet he also taught others. He led sermons and instructed his desciples to do the same.
Teach and bring others to me. He taught in synagogs, on hillsides, in homes and most importantly by example. How can we as christians live and say we are followers of Christ, if no one can see that in our lives?
Is it hard? Yes. Should it be? Probably. Some say the right path is never easy, but always worth it.
I will keep searching for a religon that not only challenges me, but brings out the light of Christ in all I do.

I guess my only question is now, how?

Jesus was Jesus....

I saw a sign that beat out every other argument I have ever heard before about abortion. Ofcourse this really only works if you are religous.

"Jesus was Jesus at conception"

The very truth, the very heart of the matter is not that you are stopping a beating heart, that you are ending a life, all of those arguments are made, and unless you are there in that place they all have a different meaning. But to actually put a name to that face... you are not just ending a life, you are ending Anne's life, or Jacob's life. There is a soul that has chosen you and you are rejecting it.
God knows each and every soul, including the one's who have yet to be born, he has named them, and loved them and sheltered them. Are we ready to do the same?
It also put much more heart into miscarriages. I guess I always grew up thinking that a miscarriage wasn't ready, but would try again. If Jesus was Jesus at conception, who have we lost along the way?