Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jesus was Jesus....

I saw a sign that beat out every other argument I have ever heard before about abortion. Ofcourse this really only works if you are religous.

"Jesus was Jesus at conception"

The very truth, the very heart of the matter is not that you are stopping a beating heart, that you are ending a life, all of those arguments are made, and unless you are there in that place they all have a different meaning. But to actually put a name to that face... you are not just ending a life, you are ending Anne's life, or Jacob's life. There is a soul that has chosen you and you are rejecting it.
God knows each and every soul, including the one's who have yet to be born, he has named them, and loved them and sheltered them. Are we ready to do the same?
It also put much more heart into miscarriages. I guess I always grew up thinking that a miscarriage wasn't ready, but would try again. If Jesus was Jesus at conception, who have we lost along the way?

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